Podcast show “Let’s Create a Healing Temple!” – Listen here to my Intro

You find the podcast show on Spotify and YouTube. Please follow the show and subscribe for my YouTube channel SHAMANU World where you find all episodes. Click on the buttons below:

The Cosmic Powerhouse is my podcast studio, where I’m offering safe space for world leaders, healthcare innovators, NGO pioneers and policymakers, who are ready to elevate their understanding of spirituality, health, wellness and self-healing on a planetary scale.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to create a healthier planet and a more harmonious world by reclaiming the innate healing power within every soul—humans and animals alike. We believe the future of health transcends the boundaries of conventional medicine and bridges ancient wisdom with modern innovation. By integrating cosmic principles, holistic practices and energy medicine, we aim to empower leaders to heal themselves, their organizations and the communities they serve and with that, support self-healing and healthy living for all beings on Earth.

Intro to podcast episode #7 about Manuela's story and spiritual journey
Podcast description for episode #3 with Lee Sargeant
Podcast episode #2 intro
Podcast Episode #1 Intro
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